The Community

Supporting People

Supporting Projects (Partial List)

Fausto Giunchiglia coordinator, FP7 FET IP, Program "ICT Forever Yours"
Alessandro Moschitti coordinator, FP7 CA, Program "ICT Forever Yours"
LiquidPub - Scientific publications meet the web
Fabio Casati coordinator, FP7 FET OPEN
Fabio Massacci coordinator, FP7 CA, Program "ICT Forever Yours"
Search Computing (SeCo)
Stefano Ceri Grant holder, ERC Panel Computer Science and Informatics, Advanced Grants
Georg Gottlob Grant holder, ERC Panel Computer Science and Informatics, Advanced Grants
SMScom (Self-Managing Situational Computing)
Carlo Ghezzi Grant holder, ERC Panel Computer Science and Informatics, Advanced Grants
Dave Robertson coordinator, FP6 Specific targeted research project
SOCIALNETS: Social networking for pervasive adaptation
Roger Whitaker coordinator, FP7 FET pervasive adaptation initiative
Roger Whitaker coordinator, FP7 FET
Valérie Issarny coordinator, FP7 FET IP, Program "ICT Forever Yours"
HATS - Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods
Reiner Hähnle coordinator, FP7 FET IP, Program "ICT Forever Yours"
BIONETS - Biologically-Inspired Autonomic Networks and Services
Daniele Miorandi, coordinator, FP6 FET IP, Program "Situated and Autonomic Communications"
PERSIST - Personal Self Improving Smart Spaces
Kevin Doolin coordinator, FP7 STREP
SOCIETIES - Self orchestrating community ambient intelligence spaces
Kevin Doolin coordinator, FP7 IP
Molto - Multilingual Online Translation
Aarne Ranta coordinator, FP7 STREP
Marta Kwiatkowska Grant holder, ERC Panel Computer Science and Informatics, Advanced Grants
ACSI - Artifact-Centric Service Interoperation
Wil van der Aalst coordinator, FP7 STREP
Serge Abiteboul Grant holder, ERC Panel Computer Science and Informatics, Advanced Grants
SAPERE: self-aware pervasive service ecosystems
Franco Zambonelli coordinator, FET Initiative on self-awareness in autonomic systems
OPAALS - Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic Digital Ecosystems
Andrea Nicolai, FP6 project
ITSY - IT SymplY works
Tiziana Margaria project leader, FET SSA project
PrimeLife (Privacy and Identity Management for Life)
Dr. Jan Camenisch, scientific coordinator, EU FP7 integrated project

Brief Explanation

The social computer is a future computational system that harnesses the innate problem solving, action and information gathering powers of humans and the environments in which they live, including computers, in order to tackle problems that cannot be addressed by conventional operating systems and algorithms. Its behavior is algorithmic, and it produces consistent and persistent problem solving performance which improves with time.



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